Woman (UK)

Woman interview

Andrea Mclean


‘Working on Loose Women is a dream job. The show has its mojo back

Andrea mclean is on top of her game as anchorwoma­n on ITV’S Loose Women, but off-screen, life has been more bumpy. not only has she had to deal with the breakdown of two marriages: the first to producer nick Green, dad to her son Finlay, 15, and six years ago, she split with her second husband, builder Steve Toms, with whom she has a daughter amy, 10. She’s also battled health problems. Here, andrea, 47, who lives in Surrey with her partner nick Feeney, 44, and her two children, explains how she has finally found happiness.

‘my children would love nick and me to get married.

They are really pushing. Maybe third time lucky! In fact, the kids on both sides – his two daughters (who are 14 and 12) – and my two want it to happen. I still believe in marriage and I’m an eternal romantic but I’ve said, ‘Things are really good. Let’s not rush into anything.’ But never say never. Nick’s a really nice guy: he’s great fun, a good dancer and he’s gorgeous! I feel so lucky to have found him. We’ve been together three years and it just feels right.’

‘after both my marriages failed I’d really given up on love.

I thought I was going to be alone and I’d accepted it. For a while I thought, ‘I’ll just count my blessings. I’m perfectly fine on my own.’ Then Nick came along. We took it very slowly with our children, I didn’t introduce him for about 18 months. Everyone was a bit shy initially but he moved in with us last year. I’m so happy these days – it feels like I can breathe out! All the girls at Loose

Women have said there is now a lightness about me. Before I was a bit grey. Now I’m in colour!’

‘I was so worried having my hysterecto­my last year as there are risks and I’m a mum.

Also, if you’ve had health problems, it focuses the mind. I was off work for over six weeks. I initially said four weeks and then I needed two more weeks because the stitches were not healing properly inside. I feel loads better now and I’m glad I did it.’

‘Five years ago I found a lump in my right breast.

When I went to the surgery, they gave me an urgent referral. It was very worrying but thankfully it turned out to be a cyst. I found another two years ago and again it was a cyst but this time I wasn’t so nervous. Worrying is not good for your body!’

‘my health really suffered after my second divorce.

I started getting a

shingles-like virus around that period that really knocked me out. I’ve had it four times now. When I have the attacks, I’m exhausted and my skin hurts so much I can’t even have the duvet on me. To keep an eye on my immune system, I cut out sugar last year and I lost over a stone in four months. I still have my glass of wine in the evening – if I didn’t I’d be really miserable. But the lack of chocolate chip cookies was hard to get my head around!’

‘my kids are my world but I’m a pretty strict mum.

Good manners are a must. We’re really close but I do run a tight ship. To me, as long as everyone does their chores, is polite to each other and has good manners, that is all I ask for. If someone does let themselves down, it’s quite straightfo­rward. I take their phone. Like any children, mine have their moments – but they are great kids.’

‘Stripping off for the Loose Women body confidence shoot was so nerveracki­ng.

I had surgery in 2011 to correct an umbilical hernia operation and I felt vulnerable showing that scars and those from my two caesarians. Linda [Robson] had given up sugar and stopped drinking wine. She even shaved her legs at the back, as well as the front! And for her, that was a big deal! I made sure I was going to the gym a couple of times a week rather than just the once. But the whole point of it was to look like ourselves. Nick makes me feel good about my body. We work out together. He is very fit and we motivate each other.’

‘working on Loose Women is a dream job.

The show is going great guns – really got its mojo back. I look forward to going into work every day. Katie Price has brought a different energy to the show. She’s just brilliant. It’s the first time she has been part of a group of women before – and she’s a huge team player. My favourite is Linda. She mother hens all of us. But we genuinely all get on well. A few weeks ago Stacey [Solomon] organised a spa day so a load of us went. We stayed the night and by 11 o’clock that night, Stacey was on the piano and we were singing!’

‘I hit the menopause early and I love HRT!

My mum had the menopause at 40 so maybe it runs in the family. I was 42 when I started noticing symptoms. I’ve been on HRT for four years, not at the same level as I am now but I am very happy taking it.’

✱ Loose Women airs weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV

 ??  ?? Andrea with partner, businessma­n Nick Feeney, and children Finlay and Amy
Andrea with partner, businessma­n Nick Feeney, and children Finlay and Amy
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 ??  ?? The Loose Women body confidence shoot: ‘I worried about my caesarian scars’
The Loose Women body confidence shoot: ‘I worried about my caesarian scars’

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