Woman (UK)

my episiotomy isn’t getting better


QI had a baby a few days ago and had an episiotomy during delivery and wow does it hurt, in fact it seems to be getting worse not better, is this normal?

Philippa says:

aAn episiotomy is a cut which is sometimes made in the perineum during delivery. Once the baby is delivered the area is sutured back together and is likely to be sore for a few days as it heals. Generally the sutures are dissolvabl­e so don’t need to be removed. However, pain should improve and not get worse, so ask your midwife or doctor to have a look as it may be infected and require antibiotic­s. Sitting on a rubber ring or haemorrhoi­d cushion may help as it takes the pressure off as you sit, and try to avoid constipati­on (ask your pharmacist for laxatives if necessary) to stop you straining as it heals.

can I keep exercising?

QI’ve recently started an intense work out regime to try to improve my fitness levels and get back in shape but on my first session I passed out and I’m a bit worried about going back! Is it OK?

Philippa says:

aMake an appointmen­t to see your GP – it is tough getting back into exercise but to faint during a session means that you need to be assessed by the doctor. During intense exercise many people feel nauseous or vomit as blood flow is diverted from the stomach to the muscles and some people feel dizzy, for example if they are breathing incorrectl­y, are a bit dehydrated from not drinking enough or have low blood sugar from not eating enough. But passing out is more serious and could indicate an issue with the rhythm or structure of the heart. Your doctor is likely to check your blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm and get an ECG (electrical tracing of the heart) and possibly an echocardio­gram (ultrasound scan to check the structure of the heart).

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