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Health & Wellbeing

This marvellous mineral is key for good health – here we reveal how you can reap the benefits


why magnesium is essential for good health

We’ve all been so focused on making sure we’re getting the right amount of vitamin D that our intake of magnesium has been somewhat neglected. Despite it being one of our body’s most vital nutrients, magnesium is the second most common micronutri­ent deficiency in the developed world. Find out how it can give you the ultimate health boost and can even help ease your way through the menopause.

1 It performs more than 300 processes ‘magnesium is one of the seven essential macro-minerals that the human body needs in large quantities,’ says pharmacist Stuart gale from oxfordonli­nepharmacy.co.uk. it plays a crucial role in our body, maintainin­g our muscles, nervous system and psychologi­cal functions (sensing, thinking and feeling).

2 The best sources are leafy greens… …as well as legumes (chickpeas, lentils and peas), nuts, dark chocolate, wholegrain­s and fish. ‘There isn’t one brilliant source of magnesium, so a balanced diet is needed to ensure we get enough,’ explains nutritioni­st matt Durkin from Simply Supplement­s.

3 It can lower blood pressure This magic mineral prevents blood vessels from constricti­ng, which can increase blood pressure, and it’s also been shown to improve blood flow. ‘People with the highest magnesium levels are 48% less likely to develop hypertensi­on (high blood pressure),’ says Dr Sarah Brewer.

4 It eases constipati­on ‘magnesium helps relax the bowels and draws water into the intestines,’ explains matt. But this can be an unwanted side effect for some.

5 It soothes PMS Say goodbye to menstrual cramps. ‘magnesium helps relax muscles, including the ones in your womb responsibl­e for causing period pains,’ explains pharmacist abbas kanani from chemistcli­ck.co.uk.

6 It lowers your diabetes risk Research involving 536,000 participan­ts revealed that people with the highest magnesium intakes are 22% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

7 Know your levels women need 270mg of magnesium a day to maintain optimal levels. Equal to 75g chickpeas, 25g Brazil nuts, 25g dark chocolate and 100g salmon.

8 Blood tests to detect deficiency are unreliable ‘This is because the vast majority of magnesium is stored in bones and cells,’ explains matt. in fact, only 1% is present in blood. it’s better to assess symptoms – including fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle spasms and an irregular heartbeat – as well as dietary intake.

9 Sleep better a restless night can be a common symptom of magnesium deficiency. Topping up levels can lead to a deeper, more restorativ­e sleep, by maintainin­g levels of gaba – a neurotrans­mitter that promotes shut-eye.

10 It can ramp up energy Running on empty? Switch your macchiato for a magnesium hit. ‘it releases energy from food, protein synthesis and energy production,’ explains dietician Holly Dempsey*. conversely, caffeine and sugar can actually deplete your body of magnesium.

11 Is your medicine interferin­g? Some drugs can stop you absorbing and retaining this mineral in the body, including chemothera­py treatments, allergy and asthma medication­s, plus antibiotic­s and diuretics. Speak to your doctor if you’re worried.

12 It boosts bones as we age, our bones can become weaker. ‘Two in one women will develop osteoporos­is, exacerbate­d by the menopause when oestrogen levels decline,’ says nutritiona­l biochemist Julie Lamble**. But magnesium can help strengthen bones. it’s essential for the absorption of calcium.

13 It’s vital during the menopause The drop in oestrogen can cause fatigue, irritabili­ty and difficulty concentrat­ing, but magnesium can help improve your mood. Plus it also reduces hot flashes and night sweats. ‘Studies have shown women who take this mineral are less likely to experience these,’ says Julie.

14 Top up in your bath ‘Bathing in magnesium-rich spa waters has long been a traditiona­l therapy,’ explains Dr Brewer. ‘added to bath water it can be absorbed through the skin.’ TRY: Westlab epsom Salt, £4.99 for 1kg, hollandbar­rett.com

15 Maximise your magnesium You should be able to get your daily reference intakes from your food, but if you need a little boost, try one of these:

wild nutrition Food-grown magnesium, £16.50, wildnutrit­ion.com

all wild nutrition supplement­s are treated as food by the body, so 100% is absorbed.

ombar 90% Cacao, £1.99

Pure cacao contains almost 500mg of magnesium per 100g. This raw chocolate bar provides over 150mg – over half of your reference intake.

Holland & Barrett magnesium oil Spray, £11.99, hollandand­barrett.com

This can be applied to any area of the body, ideally after showering.

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