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What is it with celebrity chefs and their ever-expanding broods?


Jools Oliver has some stamina. In the midst of homeschool chaos, when many of us are secretly cursing the number of kids we have, Jools wants another baby. Is she insane? Let me remind you, Jools and husband Jamie already have FIVE children. Less the Von Trapp family from The Sound of Music, more Von Trapped.

Is there some conception competitio­n going on between earth mothers Jools and Tana Ramsay? Gordon and Tana also have five children. Possibly the best way to deal with that many mouths to feed is to be married to a chef.

Gordon Ramsay said it has been lockdown mayhem in their house and he has done ‘more cooking in the past two weeks than I have done in the past two years’. Perhaps this home

grown cheer squad is there to keep their mums company while, in more usual times, their restaurant-owning hubbies work into the night. With five children surely bath and bedtime is going to stretch at least until he’s dishing out tiramisu for his customers.

If you’ve caught any of Sophie Ellis-bextor’s Kitchen Disco videos during lockdown, you’ve got to admit her army of five boys add to the fun. There she is, dolled up to the nines, singing her heart out, while her toddler slides across the floor on his knees or the baby starts crawling across her microphone cord.

Maybe this trend for five-a-side (plus a sub) families is a way of keeping up with the Kardashian­s? Kris Jenner is, erm, blessed with six brand opportunit­ies, sorry, children. Poor old Posh looks a positive lightweigh­t in comparison with just four offspring. Unless she has something she needs to tell us?

 ??  ?? Gordon, Jamie and Sophie are fans of having a big brood
Gordon, Jamie and Sophie are fans of having a big brood
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