Woman (UK)



If you need to hydrate quickly, electrolyt­es are a good way to do this and there are a number of products that will help such as Healthspan’s Elite Active Hydrate 40 Effervesce­nt Tablets (£9.99 /40 tablets, healthspan.co.uk) and A. Vogel’s Balance Mineral Drink (£6.99/5 x 7.7g, avogel.co.uk).

Lettuce is a salad bowl staple and, thanks to its rich nutrient content of vitamins K and A, can keep your bones and immune system healthy. ‘The combinatio­n of water and fibre also makes it very filling for a very low number of calories (10 calories per

72g),’ says nutritioni­st

Mays Al-ali. ‘Go for dark leafy lettuce and avoid iceberg as it doesn’t have as many nutrients.’

Water content: 92% Water per 100g: 92ml It’s in the name! Watermelon­s make an excellent hydrating food, plus they’re rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, as well as being a source of antioxidan­ts. Together these help boost your immune system, produce the happy hormone serotonin, and protect you from heart disease, cancer and other diseases. ‘Watermelon works well in savoury salads, partnered with meats such as duck, and cheeses such as feta,’ says Rob.





Water content: 85%

Water per pot (150ml): 127ml

‘Yogurts make for great snacks, breakfast options or can be added to savoury dishes in place of cream,’ says Rob. ‘Not only do they add fluid but are a rich source of calcium for healthy bones and vitamin B12 for healthy red cell production and the conversion of food into energy.’

Water content: 92% Water per 100g: 98ml ‘Soups are usually water based so have the potential to be very hydrating and nutritious,’ says Mays. Studies** have shown that eating soup is associated with lower risk of obesity as when eaten before a meal it can reduce calorie intake. ‘You can boost the nutrient content by adding lean meats, shellfish, pulses and chopped vegetables.’


Pasta (cooked)

Water content: 72%

Water per 180g serving: 130ml Tomato sauce (shop-bought) Water content: 90%

Water per ¼ jar (125ml): 112ml

‘Pasta is a rich source of carbohydra­te but opting for wholemeal is healthier as it contains a greater source of fibre, which has less effect on blood sugar levels,’ says Rob. ‘A single serving is also a useful way to hydrate when teamed with a tomatobase­d sauce.’ This makes a super quick and easy meal and can be bulked up with meats and vegetables too.


Water content: 95%

Water per 100g: 96ml

‘Like cucumber, celery is very low calorie with just 16 calories per 128g***,’ says Mays. ‘It also has a high fibre content, which is satiating.’ Including celery in your diet can help protect against heart disease, types of cancer and bonerelate­d diseases, thanks to vitamin K and potassium. ‘Add it to soups and salads, or eat with a healthy dip such as hummus.’

 ??  ?? Water content: 95% Water per 100g: 95ml
Water content: 95% Water per 100g: 95ml
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