Woman (UK)

‘‘The Magic ‘Pen’ That Stopped My Arthritic Pain – DEAD!’’


“I HAD resigned myself to arthritic pain for the rest of my life. I never imagined I could be pain free. But that’s exactly what happened to me when I started using the Pain-away Pen.

I had suffered with arthritis in my hands for over 16 years and had tried all kinds of ointments and medication­s, but nothing would stop the pain. It was so frustratin­g, it stopped me from doing so much. The pain got so bad that I had to give up gardening and it pained me to see my lovely garden turn from my pride and joy to an absolute mess. It was so bad I hated looking out the window and would sometimes draw the curtains not to see it. I was at my wits end with the pain in my hands and I was getting more fed up and depressed. Then I read about the Painaway Pen, it wasn’t expensive so I thought I’d order one to try it out. That was the best decision of my life, it has worked a miracle!

It’s like having your own massage therapist on hand all the time. I use the pen just a few times a day for a minute or so, that’s all. It has helped me get movement back in my hands and now I can do so much more but most of all its stopped the pain dead.

After using it for just 2 weeks I was back to my favourite hobby – gardening.

Pain-away Pen has put the joy back in my life, my garden is already looking so much better. I can’t tell you how good it feels to live without pain and being able to carry on with a normal life.”

Pain Away Pens are available from Health Broadcast – for a limited period only there is a discount price of £29.95. Call FREEPHONE 0808 208 9190 and quote offer code PAE22.

 ??  ?? Erica Metcalf (73), Hobby Gardener
Erica Metcalf (73), Hobby Gardener

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