Woman (UK)



My five-year-old cat Maya needs to lose weight, but eats outside the house, what can I do?

Your cat isn’t alone, with over 50% of the UK’S cat population being overweight. This is generally due to a combinatio­n of them eating too much and not moving enough. The first step is knowing she needs to lose weight and determinin­g what her perfect weight would be. If unsure, ask your vet. Of course, when a cat goes outside, it can be a little trickier to get on top of things.

To prevent her snacking when out and about, it is a good idea to get a new quick release collar which says ‘Do Not Feed Me’. You could also speak to the neighbours or even post a polite notice through the letterbox of any repeat offenders. For cats who are ‘snacking’ on the local wildlife, such as mice and birds, the best way of stopping this is to put a small bell on their collar. This gives the little animals warning there is a predator on the prowl.

It’s important we feed our cats at regular intervals so they know when to expect food and don’t feel they need to find their own. Cats like to graze feed, but this may not be appropriat­e for those who can be greedy. For overeaters, spread their pre-measured meal throughout the day.

Food wise, it makes sense to offer a ‘Satiety Diet’ that is designed to keep cats full and speed up their metabolism. Don’t be tempted to keep Maya inside, as it is important she has access to outdoors so she stays nice and active.

 ??  ?? Keeping your cat’s weight down can be quite difficult
Keeping your cat’s weight down can be quite difficult

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