Woman (UK)

Health Report

Our fitness columnist Annie Deadman takes you through her successful Blast fitness plan


Lose your wobbly bits in 3 weeks


Ican sense global eye-rolling. You’re thinking 21-day, fast-fix, fat-loss thingy, aren’t you? And you don’t have time for those. Good – neither do I. So let’s not waste any more time telling you what Blast isn’t. Blast is, broadly speaking, a health and fitness kick-start regime, but because of what you are and aren’t eating, both your body and your emotions will experience change.

Apart from dropping body fat and therefore those wobbly bits, you’ll have miles more energy, less anxiety and more focus. Your sleep will improve, your hair and skin will glow and – I’m not exaggerati­ng – some hormonal and menopausal symptoms may also fade.

The main aims of the Blast Plan are twofold to get you fit and glowing: 1 TO FUEL THE BODY WITH GOOD FOOD We need to ensure internal harmony, so that means avoiding things that may upset the gut, leading to issues in the hormone department – and the less of that, the better. So plenty of protein, very little sugar, nothing processed and zero alcohol. Oh, and one caffeinate­d drink a day. Sounds like hell, right? Read on. 2

TO PRESERVE MUSCLE If we only ever ‘diet’ and never use our muscles properly, then our body will break down that muscle and use it for fuel instead of utilising our fat stores. The result? Not only do we have less strength, but we have flab as well as fat. Calamity! What we want is the opposite, so we need to exercise, too.

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