Woman (UK)



Suzie Hayman, Woman’s agony aunt, says, ‘It was Oscar Wilde who said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But that being said, when a friend appears in a suspicious­ly familiar article of clothing, or just happens to have a lamp, cushion or set of tumblers exactly like the one she might have seen in your home, it can irritate the heck out of you. So how can you manage it?

‘The best way is to see it as a compliment and even to mention how pleased you are that they like your taste, or just say that great minds clearly think alike.

‘If you want to be the copier, why not mention to your friend how much you like their choice and ask would they mind if you followed suit? Rather than annoy them, they could well be flattered and pleased. And the best tactic is to put your own spin on whatever it is and credit them with having inspired you.

‘But don’t forget that all of this is fine when kept between friends. Copying a profession­al and trying to pass off the work as your own – whether it’s an item, idea, logo or business – can be seen as a theft of intellectu­al property and that can get you into big trouble. Always ask a lawyer first!’

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