Woman (UK)

Your exercise regime


You should be aiming to do a workout lasting approximat­ely 30 minutes, four times a week, combining both strength training (this type of exercise tightens muscles and also helps support your bones and joints) and cardio moves (to challenge your cardiovasc­ular fitness).

In my book, The 21 Day Blast Plan (£14.99, HQ) and the online Blast Plan, you’re given weekly workouts over different levels of fitness. For the

purposes of the Blast Plan within these pages, you can either help yourself to the free online workouts on my Youtube channel (youtube.com/ anniedeadm­an) or you can make up your own. Here’s a sample of a lovely workout that combines cardio and strength work:

✱ Warm up well (jogging on the spot, easy squats, easy press-ups, side bends and star jumps). Repeat all four times.

✱ Perform each of the exercises (right) in that order for 30 seconds each, with about 15 seconds rest between each. Rest for 40 seconds at the end. Then repeat all of them for 40 seconds each, then again for 50 seconds each. The examples opposite describe one rep.

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