Woman (UK)



Natalie Trice, 47, finds that walking provides much-needed calm. Before COVID-19, I squeezed in 20 minutes to walk the dog, but that was it. Two years ago that all changed. During the first lockdown I lost pretty much all my work and was stuck in a cycle of homeschool­ing, bananabrea­d baking, Joe Wicks jumping and watching the news. I found heading outside during that precious allotted one hour for a proper walk with the dogs was vital.

Living in Devon, the beach and the moors are on my doorstep. Each day I headed out on the hills or down to the sand for some much-needed solitude. Although life is busier now, I still walk for an hour every day – it’s become part of my daily routine.

I often walk on my own with the dogs. It’s time for me to leave the to-do list, clients and worries behind me and a chance to breathe and reflect on what’s going on.

Walking is my therapy and has helped me cope with lots of life’s challenges: losing work, my dad’s illness and discoverin­g what I want to do with my career. It helps me clear my head, focus and zone out from the stress. What’s more, it’s free and fantastic exercise, and nothing beats coffee on the beach as the sun rises.

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