Woman (UK)

Inspired to give it a go?

Here are some top tips from mindset and motivation coach Janey Holliday



Listen to what you’re telling yourself Because what you tell yourself often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. ‘I’ll never be able to’ will become your narrative and keep you stuck unless you switch it up. 2

Don’t make up other people’s reactions We make things up in our heads that we think will happen, when often they don’t! If you think your father will go ballistic if you quit your £150K City job to set up a part-time jewellery business because he gave up everything for you, will he? Especially if you’re miserable from 60-hour weeks and a commute. 3

Own your fears We all have them, but fears don’t go away until you face them and push past them. If possible, make the fear of staying where you are bigger than the fear of moving onto something new.


We only get one life Take a moment to think about what you’d regret on your deathbed. Remember, whatever you don’t change, you are choosing; and if you don’t change something you’re not happy with, no one else will! 5

What does success mean to you? Define your version of success, know your life values, and make sure you are truly connected to these. Then drown out the noise of your inner voice that probably wants you to stay stuck. 6

Look for evidence that it

can be done There are many people who have done what you might be thinking of doing – go search for them! Seeing other people do similar things helps you form the belief that you can do it, too.

✱ janeyholli­day.com

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