Woman (UK)

Hot cross bun loaf


Spread with butter and jam for a delightful Easter breakfast.


✱ 5g fast-action dried yeast

✱ 200ml milk, warmed

✱ 360g plain strong white flour

✱ 45g golden caster sugar

✱ 2tsp mixed spice

✱ 45g unsalted butter, melted

✱ 1 egg, beaten

✱ 200g mixed dried fruit

✱ 3-4tbsp golden syrup

For the crosses

✱ 3tbsp strong plain flour

✱ 1 egg, beaten

You will need

✱ 10 x 21cm loaf tin, lined; a disposable piping bag

1 Dissolve yeast in warm milk and leave for a few mins. Sift flour into a large bowl and stir in sugar, mixed spice and 1tsp salt. Pour in milk, butter and egg, and mix. Add dried fruit and work mixture to form a dough.

2 Tip out on to a floured work surface and knead for 5-10 mins until smooth and elastic.

3 Put dough in a large, clean bowl, cover with lightly oiled cling film. Leave in a warm place for 1-1½ hrs to prove.

4 Once doubled in size, tip out on to a floured surface, and knead until smooth. Divide into 8 balls and place in tin. Cover and prove until doubled in size.

5 Heat oven to 200C/gas 6. For crosses, mix flour with enough cold water to make a paste. Brush loaf with egg. Fill piping bag with flour mixture and pipe crosses on to each bun. Bake for 35-40 mins. Heat syrup in a pan and brush over the loaf.

Per Serving: 301 cals, 6g fat (3g saturated), 56g carbohydra­tes

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