Woman (UK)

Dr Phillipa Kaye gives her advice



The current shortages and difficulti­es in obtaining hormone replacemen­t therapy are understand­ably causing a lot of anxiety. For many people, HRT has been life-changing and enabled women to stay in their relationsh­ips, in their jobs, and to feel well in themselves, in both mind and body.

Currently, women are turning to extreme measures to get their HRT. Obtaining HRT from strangers online is not safe. Only use reputable pharmacies.

Please do not share with your friends, or obtain HRT abroad and bring it back home – even if a bottle looks the same, it may not be the same medication or dosage, and if obtained in another country, you may not be able to read the informatio­n leaflet to check. In addition to this, your doctor won’t know what you are taking, meaning that there won’t be any follow-up or management.


If you are struggling to get your normal HRT, then please contact your doctor and ask for an equivalent. Transderma­l oestrogen, where the oestrogen is delivered through the skin, is the preferred method currently as it decreases the risk of blood clots. A commonly-prescribed form of transderma­l oestrogen is Oestrogel, which is a gel, but there is another gel available, or a spray or a patch can be used. Your doctor will be able to prescribe an equivalent dose – for example, 2 pumps of Oestrogel = 1mg Sandrena gel = 3 sprays Lenzetto spray = 50mcg oestrogen patch (there are various brands). So please ask for help if you are struggling to fill your prescripti­on.

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