Woman (UK)

5 steps to a healthier smile



Never rinse after brushing ‘Just spit,’ says Dr Anaboussi. ‘That way, the toothpaste’s fluoride will have better preventati­ve effects.’


Brush right ‘Make sure you reach all areas of the mouth and brush for long enough,’ says Neil. ‘The top, outside, inside, front and back of the tooth need cleaning, so brush for at least two minutes every day and cover these areas.’


Don’t skip the floss Getting your technique right is also key. Many people don’t understand the correct way to floss, says Neil. ‘It should pass between the teeth, then between the gum and tooth. Every time you put the floss between the teeth, there are two teeth to clean, not one! Don’t just give your front teeth attention – back teeth get plaque, too.’


If gums feel swollen, rinsing with salty water may help Regularly seeing blood when you spit? Speak to an expert.


Visit your dentist regularly Even if you don’t think you have any issues. A good rule of thumb for adults is to go twice a year. And always let them know if you’ve started or changed any medication.

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