Woman (UK)


- For more jumping, go to Facebook.com/womanmagaz­ine/ or @woman.maguk on Instagram**

Work out in a clutter-free space to avoid injury, and remove anything that can cause slips, trips and falls, such as rugs.

Avoid jumping barefoot or wearing flat-soled shoes. Go for a running shoe with cushioning and arch support.

Start by doing three to six of each of these jumps, resting as long as you need before you switch moves. You can then build up to two sets of 10 and then three sets of 10 of each, as you feel your fitness improve.


Stand comfortabl­y with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees soft. Bend your knees and jump to the side. Immediatel­y jump back, returning to your starting position.

TIP: Avoid doing this exercise on hard surfaces, such as concrete, as this can be harsh on joints. Practise on soft flooring.


Do a forward lunge with both legs bent and feet pointing forwards. Keep your back straight, squat down and explode upwards (do not switch your legs). Land softly, switch legs and repeat.

TIP: Keep your hips back and allow your hips and knees to bend deeply to absorb the landing.

Don’t lock your knees.


From standing, take a large step back with your left foot and bend your right knee to create a 90-degree angle. Engage your core, then jump up as high as possible and switch the position of your legs mid-air. You should land in the lunge position, with your left foot forward and right behind. Repeat on this side to complete one rep. TIP: To avoid landing too hard, jump closer to the ground. Gradually increase your height as you build confidence.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees, jump upwards and outwards, opening your legs wide and throwing your arms up and out. As you land, keep knees bent until your hands touch the floor either side of you. TIP: Land with soft knees and on the balls of the feet.


Try side toe-taps, tapping your right foot out, while raising your right arm up and out. Keep body weight on the stable leg. Repeat on your left side.


Feet shoulder-width apart, step your left leg behind you and to the right. Bend both knees so you’re in a curtsy position. From here, jump to the side, switching the position of your legs, so your right leg is now behind and left leg is in front, ending in a curtsy lunge.

TIP: Rest and regain your balance before the next jump. This will help you to avoid injury and falls.


Do a squat, with your back straight and knees bent (make sure the knees don’t bend in front of your feet). Lower your body down and then explode upwards. Land softly and repeat. TIP: Only jump as high as you can easily manage. Build up to higher jumps as you progress.

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