Woman (UK)

How do I treat a tail injury?


Q My spaniel has wagged her tail so much it has begun to bleed. What can I do?


A Tail injuries can be an issue with very waggy dogs, including spaniels. A damaged tail is hard to treat because the bones are close to the surface, and it’s hard to bandage the tail properly. What’s more, the dog can often reach the tip of the tail to nibble on it, even with a buster collar on. With a wound that keeps reopening there is always the risk of infection, too.

Unless the injury is very minor you should go to the vet to have the damage cleaned up and assessed. The dog may need pain relief and antibiotic­s, as well as bandaging to help it heal. It may take time but hopefully it will mend eventually.

My own dog, Tess, has suffered with this twice in her life and both times bandaging and patience was what was required. However, sometimes surgery to remove the tip of the tail is the most sensible option.

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