Woman (UK)



Tummy fat collects when levels of two hormones – insulin and cortisol – are too high in your system. We want to lower these levels and stimulate fat-burning in the tummy area.

1 EAT ONLY LOW-GI STARCHY CARBOHYDRA­TES Have wholegrain or wholewheat bread, pasta and cereals, and brown rice, to lower insulin levels.

2 HAVE BLACK OR GREEN TEA WITH A CARB-HEAVY MEAL These interfere with enzymes that break down carbs, slowing their digestion, reducing insulin levels and cutting the calories you absorb from them by up to a quarter.

3 EAT AT LEAST ONE DAIRY FOOD AND ONE SOY FOOD PER DAY Calcium in dairy foods has been shown to switch tummy-fat cells from storing to burning mode.

4 HAVE A PORTION OF HEALTHY FATS Eat 25g nuts, seeds, olives or avocado at some point each day, or up to four portions of oily fish a week, to help decrease insulin levels.

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