Woman (UK)

6 ways to beat bad breath this party season

It’s not just socially embarrassi­ng – there could be something more serious going on in your mouth


Bad breath, or halitosis, is something that concerns many of us, especially at this time of the year when we’re mingling more with others. It’s caused by the process of digestion, which begins in the mouth, when food starts to be broken down. Without good dental hygiene small particles of food will remain in the mouth, allowing bacteria to flourish, leading to gum inflammati­on (gingivitis) and tooth decay – both of which can lead to bad breath. Your food choices will also affect your breath, as certain strong-smelling foods are absorbed into the blood and the odours are then released when you exhale.

So, what can you do to prevent and treat bad breath? I’d recommend:

1 Good dental hygiene

It sounds obvious, but this has an impact on the rest of your health, too. This means brushing your teeth and gums twice a day. In the mornings, it’s best to brush your teeth before you eat breakfast. Use floss or interdenta­l brushes to ensure that you are also cleaning in between your teeth. Your dentist may also advise that you scrape your tongue once a day.

2 Book an appointmen­t

Regular dental check-ups will help to identify any underlying conditions, such as tooth decay, which may need attention before it progresses and then requires more intensive treatment.

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