Woman (UK)

Stop your hangover AGEING YOU

Dread your morning-after reflection in the mirror? Protect your skin during the party season with our expert tips


The reality of boozing as you get older is that the impact hits harder – along with an all-day headache after a binge, you’ll notice that your complexion struggles to recover too. The liver has to work harder to process alcohol, leading to dry, sallow, or spotprone skin. ‘Alcohol depletes collagen and dehydrates the skin so it ages quicker and lines appear deeper,’ says aesthetic nurse Nina Prisk*. Want to enjoy a tipple without it ruining your looks? Here’s how.

Stay hydrated

A boozy session saps the skin of moisture, giving you that tell-tale parched complexion when you wake. ‘Drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day and use the “one-for-one rule” at night – for every alcoholic drink, have a glass of water too,’ says Bruce Green, chemist and SOS Serum Skincare founder. Bored of plain water? Choose sparkling with fruit cordial.

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