Woman's Own

TV makeover!

The presenter’s bid to roll back the years for his big television returné


TV star Richard Madeley has given himself a new body makeover for his summer stint as host on Good Morning Britain.

The legendary presenter, who’s been a big hit with the nation since returning to our screens, decided to ditch the fatty foods and take up more exercise in a bid to look his best.

‘Richard has taken an interest in getting fit for TV,’ a source told

Woman’s Own. ‘He’s been taking long walks, cut back on the wine and pub lunches and got on his bike to trim the sides and love handles! He’s even been juicing, had a new hairdo and manicures, and a new wardrobe. He calls himself ‘Mr Metrosexua­l!’’

Ten years younger

The source continued, ‘Richard wanted to shave 10 years off his looks, saying he wants a face and body age that match. In his mind he’s still 21 but his body says otherwise!’ Richard, 61, who’s married to his former This

Morning co-host Judy Finnigan, 69, and dad to Chloe, 30, and Jack, 31, has even been getting advice from his fitness guru daughter, too.

‘Chloe bought him a fitness tracker to monitor his heart rate, advised him to cut out red meat and to choose red wine over white to reduce the sugar in his diet,’ added our source. ‘She now wants her dad to do more cardio and weights too. She tells him about fat around his middle being a recipe for a heart attack. GMB has given him the oomph he needed to get fit.’

And it’s having benefits for his life at home too. ‘Judy’s loving his new look,’ our source said. ‘And his new energy as well!’

Viewers’ favourite

Richard’s efforts are already proving a success with fans. Since appearing on GMB as a stand-in for Piers Morgan over the summer months, viewers have been showering him with praise. ‘You are the most watchable presenter on TV,’ one person tweeted. ‘Best presenter by far, can’t you be permanent?’ another asked. ‘I wish you were on there all the time Richard!! I would start watching it again!!!’ added someone else. In fact, Richard was so touched by the response he tweeted, ‘Wow! Don’t think I’ve ever had so many generous tweets after guest-hosting a show! Thank you all very much!’ Maybe it is time to make a permanent return, Richard?

‘Richard calls himself ‘Mr Metrosexua­l’’

 ??  ?? Richard with
GMB co-host Kate Garraway
Richard with GMB co-host Kate Garraway
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