Woman's Own

telly talk: Casualty’s george rainsford


George Rainsford has played

Casualty’s Dr Ethan Hardy since 2014, and the poor medic has been thrown into all sorts of turmoil ever since – not least losing his half-brother, Cal, suddenly this year. Now he’s caught up in Connie’s cancer story. Here, George, 35, reveals what’s in store for Ethan around Christmas and beyond…

Has it been hectic filming up to the Christmas episode?

Filming is always hectic! But at the moment the difference is that we don’t see any daylight – we leave for work in the dark, get in the studio with all our fake lights and then get home in the dark.

So, has Dr Ethan got any big storylines on the horizon?

The Connie/ethan plot continues to be tense with lots of twists and turns. Ethan’s story heats up around Christmas.

You recently filmed in London. Tell us more!

All I can say is it’s a continuati­on of Connie and Ethan’s story. We usually film the show in Cardiff, so it was really fun getting to see the London sights and film by all the iconic spots.

What reaction do you get from fans when you’re out?

People in Cardiff are really proud the show is made here and they’ll pop over and say hi when you’re doing your Christmas shopping!

You’ve seen a lot of people come and go. Who do you miss?

Richard Winsor, who played Cal, obviously, because we did so much together. There have been a lot of cast changes – I’m like one of the old stalwarts now!

 ??  ?? Casualty’s Christmas episode Saturday 23 December, BBC1
Casualty’s Christmas episode Saturday 23 December, BBC1
 ??  ?? With on-screen brother Cal The Connie plot is set to get tense
With on-screen brother Cal The Connie plot is set to get tense

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