Woman's Own

24 ways to a slimmer you


to a slimmer you this christmas Christmas weight gain doesn’t have to be inevitable – follow our 24 top tips and you’ ll still be friends with the scales come January 1 Try yoga Women who do yoga tend to weigh less than others, according to a study in the Journal of the American dietetic Associatio­n. the activity may act as a buffer to stress, making emotional comfort eating less likely.

2 Have a lie-in Sleep deprivatio­n gives you a bigger appetite and increases cravings. Use the Christmas holidays as an opportunit­y to get as much sleep as you can.

3 Walk THE buffet before Tucking in Checking what’s on offer before you start filling your plate will mean you make better and more considered decisions.

4 eat something protein-rich such as chicken, fish, eggs or Quorn with each meal to help curb hunger pangs. 5 flick THE Top off a mince pie to lose around 80 calories.

6 go for brown not WHITE Whole grains such as brown rice, wholemeal pasta and wholemeal bread, fill you up better than lower-fibre versions and have been linked with a smaller middle. you should still stick to a portion the size of your balled fist though. 7 eat slowly as ‘feel full’ signals take time to influence the brain. Savour each bite, chew each mouthful up to 30 times, and frequently have rests during which you put down your knife and fork.

8 step away from THE biscuit Tin (and keep walking!). research has found that workers who go for a brisk walk when they feel stressed are less likely to grab something sweet than those who sit at their desks.

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