Woman's Own



As well as ditching sugar and the bottle of wine she used to sink every night, Linda regularly practises yoga and attends Barry’s Bootcamp classes in order to keep fit.

Not only is Linda – who previously confessed, ‘I used to drink a bottle of wine a night’ – ‘feeling the benefit’ from twice-weekly yoga classes, she claims it’s ‘relaxing’ and ‘great for anxiety and stress’.

But fitness and nutritiona­l expert Laurel Alper thinks that, after months of positive feedback from adoring fans commenting on her progress, Linda – who can often be found ‘jogging around the kitchen’ if she hasn’t hit her 10,000 daily step count – could be on the verge of becoming ‘obsessed’ with losing weight.

After previously admitting she ‘never thought [she] would get to 60 and feel this confident’, Linda could be feeling the effects of what Laurel calls ‘a runner’s high’.

Explaining that weight loss can go one of two ways, Laural says, ‘People either put the weight straight back on because they’re fuelled by everyone telling them how slim they look so they eat more, or they can become obsessed with staying slim and lose so much body fat that they begin to look gaunt.’

Linda has made no secret of the fact that her grandchild­ren, Lila and Betsy, are behind her decision to ditch the bad habits so she’s here to see them grow up. And her fear of piling the pounds back on and missing out on the ‘golden years’ she talks so often about could be causing her to overdo it.

 ??  ?? Showing off her yoga moves on Instagram
Showing off her yoga moves on Instagram

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