Woman's Own

Tough Love


For Davina, it was some harsh words from a friend that encouraged her to get back to her happy weight after lettings things slide on holiday several years ago.

‘I’m half-french, so it’s important for me to take the kids there every year so they can hear people speaking French.

‘I always used to put on around seven or eight pounds every summer, as a result of eating tons of French bread and cheese. I’d slob about, not work out and fall majorly off the wagon. I try not to do it anymore because it’s getting harder to lose the older I get.

‘I went out to France one summer and I was moaning to this girlfriend of mine about how I’d put on weight again, and she replied, “Well, stop talking about it and just do it!” Instead of feeling rubbish, I found it motivating, because I thought, “I’ve got to stop moaning and do something about it.” Sometimes it just takes one comment to change everything for you.’

 ??  ?? The star even keeps up her regime on her summer hols
The star even keeps up her regime on her summer hols

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