Woman's Own

‘He seemed capable of anything’

- Call Refuge on the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free on 0808 2000 247. If you are a male victim, you can access support through the men’s advice helpline: 0808 801 0327

Bethany Marchant lives in Leeds.

Arriving at my boyfriend Stefan’s house, I peered up at the tiny black eye watching my every move. The CCTV camera over the front door swivelled round. It was May 2019 and Stefan, then 28, had installed the equipment before we’d got together.

‘They’ll put off burglars,’ he told me. And they did make me feel safer when I stayed with him. That night, Stefan and I headed out for dinner. We’d first met at a bar in September 2018, and I loved how kind and caring he was.

But as we sat across from each other in the restaurant, I could tell that there was something on his mind. Then, all of a sudden, he put his menu down and admitted he’d slept with another woman. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said. ‘It was a mistake.’

I was distraught, and as I stood up and stormed out of the restaurant, Stefan followed me.


Back at his place, I started gathering my things as he followed me from room to room, pleading with me.

‘I’m not staying with you,’ I cried, still reeling from his revelation. I felt hurt and couldn’t believe he’d betrayed me. But it soon became clear that Stefan wasn’t going to let me go that easily.

Suddenly, he grabbed at me and his eyes flashed with rage, a look that I’d not seen before. I ran upstairs but he followed me, grabbing me by the hair and dragging me into the bedroom. I was in shock. He’d never laid a hand on me before, but as I looked at him, I’d never seen him so angry.

And his brutality was far from over as he grabbed a pillow and held it over my face and I gasped for breath. At just 5ft 4in, I didn’t stand a chance trying to

fight off 6ft Stefan. Then he sat on top of me, with his full fist in my mouth, before storming downstairs, coming back just seconds later with a knife.

‘I’ll cut your neck open and watch you bleed to death,’ he sneered.

Over the next few hours, Stefan continued to attack me, lifting me off the ground and throwing me on the floor and against walls.

He taunted me with rope, as though he was looking for the best place to hang me.

He forced me into his van and threatened to drive it into a reservoir. ‘We’ll die together,’ he smirked. He seemed capable of anything, and I vomited because I was so frightened. Eventually, he drove us back to the street where he lived, and seizing my opportunit­y to escape, I jumped out of the van and ran to a neighbour’s house and banged on the door. Police arrived and Stefan was arrested.

I was taken to hospital and treated for more than 50 bruises and unbearable

shoulder and neck pains.


Over the next few months, police discovered Stefan hadn’t just installed CCTV outside his house. There were cameras, some hidden, watching our every move. It meant that Stefan’s attack was on film. In September 2019, at Leeds Crown Court, Stefan Carr, then 28, pleaded guilty to attempted grievous bodily harm. Stefan also admitted two other charges of assault on an ex-partner. He was sentenced to eight years and three months in prison, plus three years on licence.

It was a relief, but I’m still suffering. I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD and need hypnothera­py sessions to help me sleep with a pillow again – Stefan trying to suffocate me will stay with me forever.

Being confined to my home during lockdown has only made my anxiety worse. I just hope my story will encourage others to find the courage to report violent partners. Now, more than ever – with us spending more time at home – we must not suffer in silence.

 ??  ?? In the beginning, Bethany loved how caring Stefan was
In the beginning, Bethany loved how caring Stefan was
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Stefan Carr pleaded guilty to attempted GBH
Stefan Carr pleaded guilty to attempted GBH

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