Woman's Own

Boost your blood flow


Encourage better circulatio­n in the legs and limit the effects of varicose veins with these tips from Dr Gannon.

1 Smoking causes damage to blood vessels and arteries. Quitting is the best thing for circulatio­n.

2 Eat a heart-healthy diet. Include lots of vegetables and limited saturated fats such as those found in processed foods.

3 Don’t skip your workouts. Regular exercise improves circulatio­n as it gets the heart pumping and helps flush blood through the arteries. When running, jog on softer surfaces to lessen the strain on your veins. Already have varicose veins? Speak to your GP before lifting heavy weights as this can increase the pressure on

4 your veins. Keep the body moving. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time.

5. Elevate your legs or prop them up against a wall. This counteract­s backed-up blood flow. Your GP may suggest support stockings to help relieve varicose vein symptoms.

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