Woman's Own



While some in the UK hum and haw about homing refugees, I bet there wouldn’t be that dilemma about animals. One of the most moving Ukraine stories is that over 50 staff stayed in a Kyiv zoo for the animals. This includes a gorilla called Tony, so traumatise­d he is shaking, and Horace, the Asian elephant, too distressed to go out. Some animals are being moved to Poland but Tony, 47, is too old to make the journey. He is pining for the people who used to visit him. Staff let him watch telly for interactio­n with human faces. Comedy and chat shows are his faves but he turns his back on the news. Who can blame him?

 ?? ?? Discerning Tony enjoys TV comedy but turns his back on all news items
Discerning Tony enjoys TV comedy but turns his back on all news items

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