Woman's Own

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Beauty isn’t only skin-deep, says new research*. In fact, being convention­ally attractive could be a sign your body is better at fighting infection. The most attractive men and women in the study – as rated by the opposite sex – were found to have higher rates of phagocytos­is. This is the process by which white blood cells ‘eat’ and destroy bacteria before it can make someone ill.

It worked for me

Imen Oueslati, 41, North London

‘I used to always wake up with itchy eyes and a runny nose due to hay fever. Then I started using Hay Max Barrier Balm (£7.69 for 5ml, Boots) around my nose. It blocks the pollen and starts working after just a few minutes. It contains real essential oils (including lavender), which is very soothing. I feel more relaxed now and use it daily, especially in warmer months.’

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