Woman's Own

Beat the bloat


Do you eat on the go, grab whatever food is close to hand or simply skip meals? Some foods can be difficult to digest, so if you rush meals or don’t chew food properly, your digestive system struggles, which can lead to bloating, constipati­on and indigestio­n. This plan focuses on foods that are easy to digest, and provides a regular supply of good ‘probiotic’ bacteria to help speed up movement of food through your digestive tract. The meal suggestion­s are all caloriecon­trolled, nutritiona­lly balanced and designed to help you lose weight without leaving you feeling hungry.


Use our healthy eating ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner – these are based on eating approximat­ely 1,350 cals a day. Be strict Monday to Friday, then relax a little over the weekend. Try our two-week meal plan to get you started and on track for success…

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