Woman's Own


Lose the weight where we dislike it most... right in the middle


Do you hate your midriff? You’re not alone – it’s right at the very top of the list of body parts we dislike the most, especially in summer. Wobbly tummies, muffin tops, love handles and middleaged spread are the cause of much angst for many women at this time of year as the prospect of squeezing into a swimsuit or summer dress looms.

Unfortunat­ely, once you hit 40, any excess weight seems to make a beeline straight for your tummy. Our changing hormones are a big factor: declining levels of oestrogen and increased production of the stress hormone cortisol both direct fat to the very areas where you want it least. Loss of muscle tone, sluggish digestion and bloating, which are also common as you get older, only make matters worse.

The good news is that our healthy eating plan has been designed to target these specific problems and will help you to lose 2-4lb a week – leaving you feeling slimmer, trimmer and happier with your figure this summer.

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