Woman's Own


We’re on the brink of a dental disaster. Here’s what the experts recommend to help


Struggling to find affordable oral healthcare? You’re not alone. We’re in the midst of a dental crisis, with millions of us unable to access routine dental care. In fact, according to one survey, 91% of NHS dentists in England are closed to new patients wanting a check-up*, and 80% of surgeries aren’t even taking on children.

‘The figures are alarming,’ says Rachel Power, chief executive of the Patients Associatio­n. ‘What are people supposed to do if they move to an area where there are no dentists taking on NHS patients?’

While the situation feels dire, there are ways to help improve the health of your teeth at home, and to ensure you get the care you and your family need. Here’s what you need to know.

How did it come to this?

The COVID-19 crisis put extra strain on an already over-stretched service. A long-term shortage of NHS dentists was made worse by the pandemic, which meant a growing backlog of patients needing care went unseen. Now dentists are catching up, but some patients have seen their oral health deteriorat­e further while waiting for treatment so they needed more work. If you can register as an NHS patient, make sure you turn up for your appointmen­ts, otherwise you may be struck off.

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