Woman's Own

‘It was terrifying’


Sam says: Watching what happened to Lucy was terrifying. As soon as I heard a doctor say ‘activate major haemorrhag­e protocol’ I knew it was a very serious situation. Within 30 seconds, people were everywhere and I was asked to get to the back of the room. I felt numb and helpless as I watched it all unfold as wires and tubes were put into Lucy.

I’ve been a regular blood donor at Addenbrook­e’s since 2016, and the day after Lucy was given the transfusio­n, while she was resting and Tallulah was being cared for in neonatal, I felt compelled to go to the blood unit and tell the staff what had happened.

Sleep-deprived and full of emotions, I asked if I could give blood so that I could give back at least one pint for the six pints Lucy had received. Although you have to book ahead, they said that under the circumstan­ces I could donate that day. I was so thankful Lucy had been saved.

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