Woman's Own

Is it really the menopause?


QAt 51, my periods have become very erratic, and I’m struggling with night sweats and hot flushes. I went to see my GP to ask for a blood test to check my hormones, but she said I didn’t need a blood test and offered me HRT straight away. Can I insist on a test to check if I am menopausal?

AThe average age for the menopause in the UK is 51. The blood test we use to check for menopause measures the follicle stimulatin­g hormone (FSH), which is the hormone produced by the brain to stimulate the ovaries. It is notoriousl­y unreliable in the perimenopa­use when hormones are all over the place, so given your age and symptoms, you can be confident that you are perimenopa­usal without the need for a test.

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