Woman's Own

A (Christmas) Day in the life…


10PM 24 DECEMBER Once the kids are finally in bed, I take 50 stuffing balls, 50 pigs in blankets and cooked, glazed vegetables from the freezer to defrost. I always make them a few weeks before to get a head start on the food prep. I also peel and chop 3kg of potatoes and place in cold water before I go to bed.

6AM 25 DECEMBER I’m always woken bright and early by the kids rushing into our bedroom, where our youngest still sleeps, before they race downstairs. It’s chaos as they rip open paper and squeal with excitement, and Craig and the older ones help the little ones set up toys while I have a brew and watch their happy faces.

8.30AM While the kids have breakfast and play with their toys, and Craig picks up all the wrapping paper to put in the recycling bin, it’s time to start cooking the turkey and ham for lunch. I cook meals from scratch all year round but do take a few festive shortcuts so I can spend less time in the kitchen, so both the 5kg bird and the 3kg gammon are pre-prepared from the supermarke­t, and can just be put straight into the oven.

11.30AM The food I’d defrosted needs to be warmed up, and after boiling and mashing the potatoes, lunch is almost ready. Last year, I had COVID and I couldn’t taste anything so I’m really looking forward to this year.

12.30PM My parents join us for lunch and all 15 of us squeeze around the table, which I set, to pull crackers and eat. I serve all the food buffet-style and let everyone come up with a plate and choose what to eat. Seeing everyone I love gathered together is one of my favourite parts of the day.

2.30PM It’s all hands on deck to get the table cleared and the dishwasher on, then we often head out for a walk to try out any new bikes and skates.

5PM Everyone’s usually getting peckish again, so I’ll lay out a party food buffet with cold meats, cheese and crackers and satay skewers and let them help themselves, while we watch our favourite Christmas movie, Home Alone, together.

7.30PM The little ones will be in bed and the older ones are usually playing computer games or reading their new books, so Craig and I flop down on the sofa with a drink and a box of Matchmaker­s to relax and chat about the day.

9PM Bedtime for me. On Boxing Day, I’ll be taking the tree down and looking for gifts for next year in the sales! ✣ Follow Michelle on Instagram @totally_normal_mum_of_11

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Each child gets five gifts
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