Woman's Own

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COFFEE FIEND Too much caffeine can cause insomnia, headaches, heartburn and anxiety, plus irritate your bladder. ‘Limit your intake to about 400mg a day,’ advises GP Dr Sarah Jarvis. That’s four cups of coffee or eight cups of tea. ‘Caffeine can also induce palpitatio­ns and cause quick rises in blood pressure,’ warns GP Dr Dave Nichol. Swap to decaf or slow-release caffeine, such as matcha. ‘You’ll feel alert for longer,’ says Dr Nichol. Wean off slowly, otherwise you risk rebound headaches – cut weekly consumptio­n by a quarter until you reach a healthy level.

MOSTLY BS: You’re a…

STEALTH DRINKER You could be having more caffeine than you realise because it’s not just found in coffee. It’s often also in tea (including ‘healthy’ green and matcha), chocolate, soft drinks and energy drinks, plus some painkiller­s and herbal remedies. Read labels carefully and keep a caffeine diary to see how much you’re really having and when. Afternoon energy slump? Perk up with a 15-minute walk instead of a caffeine hit. Trouble sleeping? Avoid caffeine just before bed. ‘Try cutting caffeine out completely from lunchtime onwards,’ says Dr Jarvis.

You’re a…

CONTROLLED CONSUMER You might have tabs on your caffeine levels, but those added extras might not be great for your health. ‘It’s probably more important to think about how you take your coffee,’ says British Heart Foundation dietician Victoria Taylor. ‘Sugar, syrups, whole milk and cream add calories and saturated fat that could cause weight gain and increase cholestero­l levels.’ So, ditch the sugar or syrup if you have it. Swap whole milk for skimmed or semi-skimmed. And remember that the effects of caffeine can last up to seven hours so, if you have trouble sleeping, stick to caffeinate­d drinks for mornings only.


CAFFEINE CONSCIOUS Sounds like you keep caffeine levels low, but a little bit can be good for you too – in fact, three cups of tea a day could slow down biological ageing and extend your life*. ‘Plus, it can increase alertness, energy and mental performanc­e,’ says dietician Jenaed Brodell. But moderation is key – and it can be tricky to monitor your intake, particular­ly if you’re buying from cafes. ‘Concentrat­ion of caffeine varies,’ says Jenaed. ‘For example, a cup of coffee from your favourite barista may contain anywhere between 100mg and 300mg of caffeine.’ Check out caffeine content on your favourite coffee chain’s website.

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