Woman's Weekly (UK)

Knitting: Special knits for little sailors


Knitting Editor Teresa

This baby boy’s romper suit and girl’s dress and matching knickers are so cute!

The traditiona­l nautical collar is knitted separately with an embroidere­d chain stitch running along the edge to highlight the feature.

Instructio­ns overleaf



With 3¼mm needles and White, cast on 85 (91) (97) (103) sts. K 10 rows.

Change to 4mm needles. Beginning with a k row, work in ss until back measures 22 (24) (27) (29) cm from beginning, ending with a p row.

Dec row: K5 (7) (8) (10), [skpo] 16 times, k11 (13) (17) (19), [k2tog] 16 times, k to end – 53 (59) (65) (71) sts. Ss 5 (7) (9) (11) rows. ** *** Shape armholes: Cast off 2 (3)(3) (4) sts at beginning of next 2 rows.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows and 3 (4)(5) (6) following

alternate rows – 37 (39) (43) (45) sts.

Ss 3 rows. Divide for back opening: Next

row: K17 (18) (20) (21), turn and cast on 3 sts for button band. Work on these 20 (21) (23) (24) sts for right side.

Right side: Next row: K3, p to end.

Next row: K.

Keeping the 3 sts at inside edge in gst and remainder in ss, work 15 (17) (19) (21) rows. Cast off.

Left side: With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining 20 (21) (23) (24) sts.

Next row: K.

Next row: P to last 3 sts, k3 for buttonhole band.

Keeping the 3 sts at inside edge in gst and remainder in ss, work 4 (6)(6) (8) rows.

Buttonhole row: K2tog, yf, k to end. Work 7 (7)(9) (9) rows, then work buttonhole row again. Work 3 rows. Cast off.


Work as back to **.

**** Shape armholes:

Cast off 2 (3)(3) (4) sts at beginning of next 2 rows.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows and 3

(4)(5) (6) following alternate rows – 37

(39) (43) (45) sts.

Ss 8 (10) (10) (12) rows.

Shape neck: Next row: P15 (16) (17) (18), cast off kwise next 7 (7)(9) (9) sts, p to end.

Work on last set of 15 (16) (17) (18) sts for left side neck.

Left side neck: Dec 1 st at neck edge on next row and 2 (2)(3) (3) following alternate rows – 12 (13) (13) (14) sts. Ss 7 rows. Cast off.

Right side neck: With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining 15 (16) (17) (18) sts.

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next row and 2 (2)(3) (3) following alternate rows – 12 (13) (13) (14) sts. Ss 7 rows. Cast off.

Sleeves (both alike)

With 3¼mm needles and Blue, cast on 36 (40) (42) (46) sts.

K 2 rows.

Change to White and k 2 rows. Change to Blue and k 4 rows. Change to 4mm needles. Continue in White only. Beginning with a k row, ss 4

(4)(6) (6) rows.

Shape top: Cast off 2 (3)(3) (4) sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each end of next row and 2 (3)(3) (4) following 4th rows, then on 3 (2)(3) (2) following alternate rows – 20 (22) (22) (24) sts.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows – 14 (16) (16) (18) sts. Cast off.


Right side: With 3¼mm needles and Blue, cast on 16 (16) (19) (19) sts for back end.

K 19 (21) (23) (25) rows.

Shape back neck: Next row: Cast off 7 (7)(9) (9), k to end. Continue on remaining 9 (9) (10) (10) sts for front collar.

K 8 (10) (4) (6) rows.

1st dec row: K2, skpo, k to end.

K 7 rows.

Repeat last 8 rows, 4 (4)(5) (5) times more – 4 sts.

2nd dec row: K2, skpo – 3 sts. K 5 rows. K3tog and fasten off.

Left side: With 3¼mm needles and Blue, cast on 16 (16) (19) (19) sts for back end.

K 19 (21) (23) (25) rows.

Shape back neck: Next row: K9 (9) (10) (10), cast off last 7 (7)(9) (9) sts.

Rejoin yarn at inside edge of remaining 9 (9) (10) (10) sts for front collar.

K 8 (10) (4) (6) rows.

1st dec row: K to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. K 7 rows.

Repeat last 8 rows, 4 (4)(5) (5) times more – 4 sts.

2nd dec row: K2tog, k2 – 3 sts. K 5 rows. K3tog and fasten off.

Bow: With 3¼mm needles and Blue, cast on 24 sts.

K 7 rows. Cast off.

Tie: With 3¼mm needles and Blue, cast on 10 sts.

K 3 rows. Cast off.

To make up

Join shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves, then join side and sleeve seams. Using White, work a row of chain stitches 2 stitches in from outside edge on each collar piece, then along 3rd row of back collar. Embroider chain stitch

along centre row of right side of bow with White. Place tie around centre of bow and secure at back. Placing front points of collar pieces on front 14

(14) (16) (16) rows below neck shaping, 1 st apart and matching back neck shaping excluding bands, sew collar in position. Sew bow at base of front of collar. Catch down cast-on stitches of button band on wrong side. Sew on buttons.


Legs (make 2)

With 3¼mm needles and Blue, cast on 42 (48) (54) (60) sts. K 8 rows.

Change to 4mm needles.

Inc row: K3 (2)(4) (2), inc in next st, [k4 (5)(4) (5), inc in next st] 7 (7)(9) (9) times, k to end – 50 (56) (64) (70) sts. Beginning with a p row, work 1 (3)(3) (5) row(s) in ss.

Inc 1 st at each end of next row and 2 following 4th rows, then on next 4 following rows – 64 (70) (78) (84) sts. P 1 row. Break off yarn and leave sts on spare needle.


Joining row: With right side facing, slip first 32 (35) (39) (42) sts of first leg on to st holder, join Blue to remaining sts and using 4mm needles, cast on 1 st, then k next 31

(34) (38) (41) sts of first leg, k last st tog with first st on second leg, k next 31 (34)

(38) (41) sts of second leg, turn and cast on 1 st, leave remaining 32 (35) (39) (42) sts of second leg on a st holder – 65 (71) (79) (85) sts.

Ss 9 (13) (13) (19) rows.

Shape sides: Dec row: K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. Ss 9 rows. Repeat last 10 rows,

4 (4)(5) (5) times more, then work dec row again – 53 (59) (65) (71) sts. Continue straight until work measures 27

(29) (31) (33) cm from joining row, ending with a p row. Work as back of dress from *** to end.


Joining row: With right side facing and using 4mm needles join Blue to sts on st holder of second leg and cast on 1 st, then k next 31 (34) (38) (41) sts of second leg, k last st tog with first st on st holder of first leg, k next 31 (34) (38) (41) sts of first leg, turn and cast on 1 st – 65 (71) (79) (85) sts.

Ss 9 (13) (13) (19) rows.

Shape sides: Dec row: K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. Ss 9 rows.

Repeat last 10 rows, 4 (4)(5) (5) times more, then work dec row again – 53 (59) (65) (71) sts. Continue straight until work measures 27 (29) (31) (33) cm from joining row, ending with a p row.

Work as front of dress from

**** to end.

Leg opening edgings

Buttonhole band: With right side facing, using 3¼mm needles and Blue, pick up and k34 (37) (37) (40) sts along row-ends of inside legs of front. K 2 rows.

Buttonhole row: K4, yf, k2tog, [k6 (7)(7) (8), yf, k2tog] 3 times, k4.

K 3 rows. Cast off.

Button band: Working along row-ends of inside legs of back, work as buttonhole band, omitting buttonhole.

Sleeves, collar,

and to make up

Using White instead of Blue and Blue instead of White, work as for dress.



With 3mm needles and White or Blue, cast on 63 (69) (75) (81) sts.

1st rib row: K1, [p1, k1] to end.

2nd rib row: P1, [k1, p1] to end. Repeat last 2 rows, 4 times more. Change to 3¾mm needles.

Next 2 rows: K to last 25 sts, wrap1, turn, p to last 25 sts, wrap1, turn.

Next 2 rows: K to last 20 sts, wrap1, turn, p to last 20 sts, wrap1, turn.

Next 2 rows: K to last 15 sts, wrap1, turn, p to last 15 sts, wrap1, turn.

Next 2 rows: K to last 12 sts, wrap1, turn, p to last 12 sts, wrap1, turn.

Next 2 rows: K to last 7 sts, wrap1, turn, p to last 7 sts, wrap1, turn. Beginning with a k row, work 38 (44) (50) (56) rows in ss. Mark each end of last row.

Shape leg openings: Dec 1 st at each end of next row and 9 (10) (11) (11) following alternate rows – 43 (47) (51) (57) sts.

P 1 row.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 12 (12) (12) (14) rows – 19 (23) (27) (29) sts. Ss another 18 (20) (22) (24) rows.

Leave these sts on a st holder.


Right side of leg opening: With 3¾mm needles and White or Blue, cast on 2 (3)(2) (2) sts.

1st row: K1, up1, k1 (2)(1) (1). Mark end of last row.

2nd row: P2 (3)(2) (2), up1, p1. 3rd row: K1, up1, k to end.

4th row: P to last st, up1, p1. Repeat last 2 rows, 8 (8) (9) (10) times more – 22 (23) (24) (26) sts. Leave these sts on a st holder.

Left side of leg opening: With 3¾mm needles and White or Blue, cast on 2 (3)(2) (2) sts.

1st row: K1 (2)(1) (1), up1, k1. Mark beginning of last row.

2nd row: P1, up1, p2 (3)(2) (2). 3rd row: K to last st, up1, k1.

4th row: P1, up1, p to end.

Repeat last 2 rows, 8 (8) (9) (10) times more – 22 (23) (24) (26) sts.

Joining row: K22 (23) (24) (26) sts of left side of front leg opening, k19 (23) (27) (29) sts of back, then k22 (23) (24) (26) of right side of front leg opening – 63 (69) (75) (81) sts.

Ss 16 (22) (26) (30) rows. Change to 3mm needles.

Rib 10 rows as on back.

Cast off in rib.

Leg opening edgings

With right side facing, using 3mm needles and Blue or White, pick up and k60 (66) (72) (78) sts evenly between markers around leg opening. K 1 row. Change to White or Blue and k 2 rows.

Change to Blue or White and k 3 rows.

Cast off kwise.

To make up

Join side and edging seams. Join short ends of elastic into ring. Place ring around ribbed waist band on wrong side and work herringbon­e casing over it.

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