Woman's Weekly (UK)

Your stars: What will 2018 hold for you?

What does 2018 have in store for you? Our astrologer, Barbara Goldsmith, predicts what the year ahead will bring



(21 Mar – 20 Apr)


Your relationsh­ips can go much deeper this year if you are willing to show your softer side. Don’t allow your fears from past relationsh­ips, or even childhood, get in your way of becoming more intimate. Great times for meeting someone new or for deepening an existing relationsh­ip are in April and October when the Moon energies are favourable.

Family & Home

You may have to juggle your time wisely to cope with the demands of family during 2018. The aspects point to a great deal of external activity in the world and the necessity of finding balance and giving enough attention to the needs of your home and family. You’ll definitely benefit from some time alone, just make sure you schedule it into your busy calendar.


If you have a good business idea, someone may want to invest in you this year. Your spouse or partner could receive a bonus or a raise in salary.

You may decide to go into partnershi­p with someone and it could be very profitable. Make sure you have clear agreements that are signed and sealed before you go ahead. Financiall­y, especially if you are willing to collaborat­e, the aspects are very favourable for you.


(21 Apr – 21 May)


Jupiter, planet of good fortune, is blessing your relationsh­ip area during most of 2018. This can bring to you a choice of partners, and opportunit­ies for you to learn and to grow through your intimate interactio­ns. For those of you looking for commitment and marriage, this could be your lucky year. Your good times for meeting someone special come towards the end of April and into May and again at the beginning of November.

Family & Home

With the eclipses activating your home area during 2018, you might be moving locally or even long-distance. There could be significan­t changes in your family situation this year. Try to be flexible and give yourself space to alter your plans if necessary. Good news about a loved one is on the cards for you.


This is a good year for you especially if you are willing to put in lots of passion and energy into your work. New ideas are flowing and one could be a real money-spinner for you. This is not the best year for going into any kind of partnershi­p arrangemen­t. If you must do it, then make sure you have clearly defined roles so that you don’t have false expectatio­ns. Be inventive and creative and the money will flow to you.


(22 May – 21 June)


This is a great year for you to travel and meet someone special. With so many planets activating your 9th house of exploratio­n, welcome any opportunit­y that comes your way to go on a trip to somewhere you have never visited before. Going on a retreat, a seminar or a course overseas could all lead to some special encounters. Your excellent times for meeting someone are from the end of May into the beginning of June and again during the middle of December.

Family & Home

Balancing the needs of work and family are going to be one of your challenges during 2018. Make sure you don’t overcommit yourself to either one so that you feel burdened rather than joyful about the situation. Remember to keep clear boundaries and your interactio­ns will be a whole lot easier. It’s a good time to heal a past relationsh­ip and to move on.


Financiall­y you can be a money magnet during 2018. If you want support or investment from someone or a company, this is the time to go for it. You could receive a grant for an important project. Keep in mind that help is out there, just keep on asking. Don’t give up at the first hurdle.


(22 Jun – 23 Jul)


You will have many opportunit­ies to learn and grow in your love relationsh­ips. It may be time to end a relationsh­ip, or, if it is to continue, you may need to set clearer boundaries. A romantic meeting could become serious and lead to a committed relationsh­ip – even marriage. Your best times for meeting someone special are during the first two weeks of January and the first two weeks of July.

Family & Home

This is a great year to renew and stimulate your family relationsh­ips. Where tensions exist, see if you can find creative ways of resolving ruffled feathers. Keep in mind that you don’t have to bend over backwards to please everyone else. Your needs are also key in the equation and need to be given respectful attention. This can be a whole new start to healthier relationsh­ips with all your family members.


The state of your finances has everything to do with your self-confidence and self-esteem. The more you can get in touch with your unique talents and abilities, the easier it is going to be for you to create an avalanche of money into your life. Stop focusing on not being good enough, instead, see what you can do, and have done, and watch the money flow in effortless­ly.


(24 Jul – 23 Aug)


To experience more love and romance in your life, you need to learn how to love yourself. What brings you joy? What makes you laugh? The more you can develop your fun-loving side, the easier your relationsh­ips with others will become. Jupiter is bringing you good fortune in the romantic area during 2018 as long as you remember to lighten up. Your best times for love are the end of January and the start of February and the whole of August.

Family & Home

As no major planetary aspects are impacting this life area, you are free to create exactly what your heart desires. If you need more space, perhaps it’s time to adjust your living conditions? If you want more closeness, maybe you need to open your heart and share your vulnerable side so others can get closer to you. The power is in your hands.


This is an excellent year for starting your own business or for doing anything entreprene­urial. You are very creative and sometimes you don’t see your own worth. If it’s something you enjoy, find a way to make a living from it. If you already have a business, this year could see great growth and progress. If you are enjoying what you are doing, the money will appear magically.


(24 Aug – 23 Sep)


Neptune, the planet of illusion and confusion, may cloud your vision with respect to certain relationsh­ips. Are you seeing a situation with rose-tinted glasses? If you are willing to be realistic and honest, you can make great headway this year in your intimate relationsh­ips. Trust your intuition. If someone seems too good to be true, perhaps they are. Your soul mate could appear when you least expect it. Your best times for meeting someone are at the end of February and during the month of September.

Family & Home

You’ll probably be reflecting a great deal about your home situation. What is it you’d like to change? Are you accumulati­ng too much stuff? What do you need to clear out to make more space in this important life area? Saying no is not always easy for you, but it may be necessary so that you can have enough time alone to recharge your batteries.


Jupiter is bringing great fortune and success to your financial area. Beware not to overspend or to have ideas that are ungrounded. If you are willing to work hard and to grow gradually and with strong foundation­s, the sky’s the limit. Financiall­y this promises to be one of your best years ever. Now believe it!


(24 Sep – 23 Oct)


Expect the unexpected in your relationsh­ips during 2018. Don’t go into a relationsh­ip insisting on stability and security. Instead, look for common interests, someone who is considerat­e and caring and whether you have that spark of chemistry. Without that, you’re likely to be disappoint­ed. This can be an exceptiona­l year for you if you are willing to be spontaneou­s and to meet people you wouldn’t normally connect with. Your optimum times for meeting someone are from the middle of April and during the whole of October.

Family & Home

Your home and surroundin­gs are under some transforma­tional aspects during 2018. You may be making a long-distance move or there could be significan­t changes within your family. This is a good year to redecorate, upgrade or renovate an existing or new property. Purchase or sale of a house or land is under favourable aspects.


This is an important year to balance your finances. Do your best to pay off or reduce any debts. Watch your spending and be prepared to rein yourself in. If you can do this, 2018 promises to be a good year for you financiall­y. If you work hard, you will reap handsome rewards.


(24 Oct – 22 Nov)


With Jupiter, planet of good luck in your sign most of 2018, this is a year when you can take a few more risks in the love department. You are going through a growth spurt and it is key for you to reach out in new ways to attract love into your life. See if you can be more proactive, connect with new groups and organisati­ons and you could be pleasantly surprised. Your best times for meeting someone are from the end of April and again during November.

Family & Home

This is a good year to study your family relationsh­ips. What can you do to bring more peace into this important life area? Are you holding onto something that happened in the past? How can you let go of it and find inner peace? You may take responsibi­lity for a family member in some way.


2018 is a great year for bringing a good business idea into reality. Saturn is helping you to bring more structure to this life area, and if you are willing to start small, to build up gradually and solidly, you can achieve great success. The most important thing is for you to take your finances seriously. See your cup as half full and not half empty and everything will improve for you.


(23 Nov – 21 Dec)


During 2018 you could meet someone who you’ve been dreaming of for a long while. Deep soul connection­s are possible, and you could find yourself magnetised to someone you wouldn’t ordinarily connect with. Step out of your comfort zone, get in touch with your sense of humour which is innate to you, and magically more love will come into your life. This is a great year for you if you are willing to try new things. Your best times are during the month of June and again from midDecembe­r to the end of the year.

Family & Home

There could be some sacrifices to be made in this area of your life. Think carefully before you act, and make sure you only take on what you can easily fulfil. A family member from the past could come back into your life and great healing and soothing can ensue. Don’t be afraid to open your heart no matter what the results. It will be very liberating for you.


Think carefully about the way you perceive money, and see if you can have a more positive attitude so that you can manifest wealth more easily. There is no reason why you cannot have the abundance you wish for.


(22 Dec – 20 Jan)


You’re in the process of reinventin­g and restructur­ing your world and this includes your relationsh­ips. Whatever hasn’t been working will need to be discarded to make space for something new. You have been going through some deep inner changes and this will reflect in the kind of partner you attract.

It also brings shifts in your existing relationsh­ips. Marriage and committed partnershi­ps are under favourable aspects for you. Your good times for meeting someone are in January and from mid-July to the end of the month.

Family & Home

You’ve been going through so much inner transforma­tion over the last few years that every area of your life has had to change, especially your attitude towards home and family. As far as your family is concerned, it’s important for you to be firm where necessary and don’t back down no matter how strong the pressure may be. You’ve come a long way and you are not about to step back.


Having gratitude for what you already have in your life is going to be your key to greater riches during 2017. Set a clear intention to wake up every day and give thanks for all the blessings in your life and watch your finances increase.


(21 Jan – 19 Feb)


Your social life is under some positive aspects during 2018, and making new pals can be the key to unlocking doors to your love life. A friendship can turn into a romantic relationsh­ip. Make sure you get out and about, make the effort to join groups and organisati­ons you are interested in, and you’re likely to have some wonderful encounters. Your best times for love are the end of January and the first two weeks of February as well as the whole of August.

Family & Home

No huge aspects are impacting this life area, so it’s all in your hands. If you’re feeling restless and you want to make a move, nothing is stopping you. Research different possibilit­ies and you’ll find answers. Family relationsh­ips can flourish if you set clear intentions. You need a great deal of space, so make sure you are clear about it and your life will be smoother and easier.


It’s great to have financial dreams and goals. The question is, are they realistic? Can you make a clear plan and then take baby steps every day towards your goals? If you can do this, your finances will improve greatly. You may need to become more aware of when you are spending on wants rather than needs.


Feb – 20 Mar)


Romance is all around you during 2017. If you can envision it, dream it and feel as though it has already happened, you’ll be amazed at who you will attract into your world. An existing relationsh­ip can go onto a whole new level, especially if you are willing to share the deeper aspects of your self. Friendship­s can also blossom this year. Your best times for meeting someone are in March and at the end of August and into September.

Family & Home

Your work and outer life is likely to be a strong pull during 2018 and you may find that it’s a challenge to devote time and energy to your home and family. Set clear priorities and don’t waver when things get busy. That way, you’ll be sure to get the emotional nurturing that is so important to you. A family member may receive some wonderful news that is very uplifting for you.


You’ve had quite a few ups and downs financiall­y in recent years and this may have affected your belief in your ability to always cover your needs. Uranus wants you to be creative, to come up with out-of-the-box ideas and to follow up on them. Being in business for yourself is the best way to deal with this unpredicta­ble aspect.

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