Woman's Weekly (UK)

Health Choices

That Stopped Me Sweating Too Much

- Odaban Antiperspi­rant Spray (£10.49, from Boots).

It started about 10 years ago and would happen all of a sudden. one minute I’d be fine, the next, sweat would be running down my face and neck.

nothing seemed to trigger my excessive sweating that I could identify. It would happen when I was sitting still and perfectly cool but it was really embarrassi­ng. and it started happening every day.

I’m very particular about my appearance and sweating profusely would make my make-up streak. I looked like I’d just come out of a swimming pool, my fringe plastered to my forehead.

It was awful because I never knew when it was going to happen. I went to my doctor and he said I had hyperhidro­sis, a common condition where a person sweats excessivel­y. there was no obvious cause, although it could be a problem with the part of my nervous system controllin­g sweating. he told me I just had to put up with it.

I’ve never had to use deodorant because, bizarrely, I don’t sweat from my armpits. so I’m lucky in that respect but over-sweating on my face and neck is so intrusive because you just can’t hide it. It’s obvious to everyone when it happens.

so I tried a couple of regular deodorants but they didn’t work. I Googled and came across odaban – an antiperspi­rant spray for excessive sweating which works by plugging the sweat glands in the affected area.

I simply sprayed it on my face and scalp before bed and then washed it off the next morning. after about three days, I stopped sweating completely. I couldn’t believe it.

I kept using the spray once a week for the next year and it worked a treat. now I only use it if I think I might get excessivel­y warm – such a s during the summer or travelling on public transport. now, if I see anyone suffering like I did, I’ll go over to them and say: ‘here, try this!’

 ??  ?? katy Fuentes, 43, from Watford, hertfordsh­ire, found a simple solution to an embarrassi­ng problem
katy Fuentes, 43, from Watford, hertfordsh­ire, found a simple solution to an embarrassi­ng problem
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