Woman's Weekly (UK)

Cheeky Chorizo Frittata Squares


makes about 40

1tbsp olive oil

1 large onion, thinly sliced 250g (9oz) cooking chorizo, sliced

4 rashers smoked back bacon, chopped

500g (1lb 2oz) new potatoes, boiled until tender, cooled 100g (3½oz) Manchego cheese, cut into small cubes 8 eggs, beaten

For the dressiNG:

1 shallot, finely chopped Juice of ½ a lemon

1tbsp sherry vinegar

1tsp sugar

1tsp Dijon mustard

3tbsp olive oil

Few sprigs flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped, plus extra to garnish

1 heat the oven to 180°C or Gas mark 4. heat the oil in a large frying pan. add the onion and chorizo and fry for 10 mins, until the onion is soft. add the bacon and fry for 3 mins more.

2 slice the potatoes, add to the pan and mix well. line a medium baking tin with baking paper. tip the onion, potato and chorizo mixture into the tin, scatter over the cheese then pour over the eggs. bake for 2025 mins, until just set. Cool for 20 mins before removing from the tin and cutting into squares.

3 For the dressing, whisk all the ingredient­s together. drizzle a little over the frittata and serve the remainder in a dipping bowl on the side. scatter some chopped parsley over the frittata and dip, to garnish.

per square: 71 Calories 5g Fat 2g saturated Fat 1.5g Carbohydra­tes

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