Woman's Weekly (UK)

Colcannon Cakes


Makes 25

700g (1¼lb) Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and cut into 5cm (2in) chunks

50g (1½oz) butter

½ small savoy cabbage, finely shredded

1 egg, plus 1 egg yolk

2tbsp flour

2tsp cornflour

Small bunch chives, finely chopped

15g (½oz) Gruyère cheese, finely grated

3cm (1¼in) round cutter 1 baking sheet, lined with baking paper

1 Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for 10-15 mins until tender.

2 at the same time, melt half the butter in a frying pan, add the cabbage and cook for 5-10 mins, stirring occasional­ly, until softened. set aside.

3 Drain the potatoes, return to 3 the pan, add the remaining butter and mash well. In a small bowl, mix the egg, extra egg yolk, flour and cornflour to a thick paste. Mix into the mashed potato with the cabbage, chives and seasoning. spread the mash mixture in a rectangula­r baking dish so that it is 3cm (1¼in) deep. Chill in the fridge for 30 mins.

4 Heat the oven to 200°C or Gas Mark 6. oil the cutter and cut out as many rounds as you can. Gather the trimmings, mash together and cut out more rounds until the mixture is used.

5 Place the potato cakes on the lined baking sheet. sprinkle with the Gruyère cheese and bake for 10 mins until golden.

Per Cake: 105 Calories 6g Fat 3g saturated 7.5g Carbohydra­tes

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