Woman's Weekly (UK)

Luxury Lobster Mac ’n’ Cheese


500g (1lb 2oz) macaroni or casarecce pasta

125g (4oz) butter

100g (3½oz) plain flour

1ltr (1¾pt) milk

2tbsp Dijon mustard

300g (10oz) Gruyère cheese, grated

200g (7oz) extra mature Cheddar, grated

6 lobster tails, approx 660g (1lb 6oz) in total (raw or cooked are both fine), defrosted if frozen

200g (7oz) fresh breadcrumb­s

2 medium-sized ovenproof gratin dishes

1 Cook the macaroni or casarecce pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water for the time stated on the packaging, until just tender. Drain well. 2 Melt the butter in a large pan. Add the flour and cook for a few mins. Remove from the heat and gradually whisk in the milk, stirring until smooth. Return to the heat and bring to the boil, stirring, until thickened. Mix in the mustard and most of the cheeses, reserving about 5tbsp. Season well.

3 Heat the oven to 190°C or Gas Mark 5. Remove the lobster meat from the shell and cut into slices. Mix the lobster, sauce and pasta together. Divide between the two gratin dishes and top with the breadcrumb­s and the reserved cheeses. Bake for 35 mins until piping hot, golden brown and bubbling.

SeRveS 10 Calories: 680 Fat: 33g Saturated fat: 20g Carbohydra­tes: 63g

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