Woman's Weekly (UK)

My Healthy Life


Lorna Cordwell is a therapist and head of counsellin­g at Chrysalis Courses (chrysalisc­ourses.co.uk), which offers counsellin­g training across the UK.

My ‘go-to’ remedy

Relaxation recordings. To sit quietly and go through a simple relaxation or self-hypnosis recording for about 20 minutes is a wonderful way to de-stress.

My favourite meal

Anything Indian. Their simple diet, with grains, pulses, vegetables and very little meat has everything I need.

How I keep fit and healthy

I like to walk and garden. I don’t eat processed sugars, and giving them up meant I lost 1.5st.

My perfect ‘health’ day

I love waking without an alarm. Then a relaxed breakfast. Then something active, like a walk, lunch with good company, then something fun. I’d finish the day with good conversati­on, or perhaps music and dancing. Preferably all in a beautiful, warm place.

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