Woman's Weekly (UK)

Granny square scarf


To make


With 9mm hook and Cream, make 6ch, slst in first ch to form ring.

1st round: 3ch (counts as 1tr throughout), 2tr in ring, [3ch, 3tr in ring] 3 times, 3ch, slst in top of 3ch. Fasten off.

Join Saffron with slst to any 3-chsp.

2nd round: 3ch, work 2tr, 3ch and 3tr all in same 3-chsp as slst, [1ch, work 3tr, 3ch and 3tr all in next 3-chsp] 3 times, 1ch, slst in top of 3ch. Fasten off.

Join Beige with slst to any


3rd round: 3ch, work 2tr, 3ch and 3tr all in same 3-chsp as slst, [1ch, 3tr in 1-chsp, 1ch, work 3tr, 3ch and 3tr all in next 3-chsp] 3 times, 1ch, 3tr in last 1-chsp, 1ch, slst in top of 3ch. Fasten off.

Join Grey with slst to any 3-chsp. 4th round: 3ch, work 2tr, 3ch and 3tr all in same 3-chsp as slst, * [1ch, 3tr in 1-chsp] twice, 1ch, work 3tr, 3ch and 3tr all in next 3-chsp, repeat from * twice more, [1ch, 3tr in 1-chsp] twice, 1ch, slst in top of 3ch. Fasten off. second MOTIF

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Saffron, Cream, Grey and Beige.


Work as first motif using colours as follows: Beige, Grey, Cream and Saffron. FOURTH MOTIF

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Saffron, Beige, Grey and Cream.


Work as first motif using colours as follows: Beige, Cream, Saffron and Grey. Sixth Motif

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Grey, Cream, Saffron and Beige. SEVENTH MOTIF

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Cream, Grey, Beige and Saffron. EIGHTH MOTIF

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Grey, Beige, Saffron and Cream. NINTH MOTIF

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Beige, Saffron, Cream and Grey.


Work as first motif using colours as follows: Cream, Grey, Saffron and Beige. ELEVENTH MOTIF

Work as first motif using colours as follows: Grey, Cream, Beige and Saffron.


Sew motifs in order to form rectangle 11 motifs long and one motif wide.

With right side facing, join Grey with slst to corner 3-chsp at beginning of longer edge.

1st round: 3ch, work 2tr, 3ch and 3tr all in same chsp as join, * 1ch, [3tr in next chsp, 1ch] to next corner chsp, work 3tr, 3ch and 3tr all in corner chsp, repeat from * twice more, 1ch, [3tr in next chsp, 1ch] to end, slst in top of 3ch.

2nd round: Slst in each of next 2 tr and into 3-chsp, 3ch, work 2tr, 3ch and 3tr all in same chsp, * 1ch, [3tr in next chsp, 1ch] to next corner chsp, work 3tr, 3ch and 3tr all in corner chsp, repeat from * twice more, 1ch, [3tr in next chsp, 1ch] to end, slst in top of 3ch. Fasten off.

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