Woman's Weekly (UK)

Health choices


After the birth of my first child 20 years ago, I developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I had a severe dose of gastroente­ritis, and I think that and the stress of having a baby and being a young mum triggered it.

I felt nauseous most of the time, had abdominal pain, bloating, cramps and frequent bowel movements. I was back and forth to the doctor with flare-ups over the years, but nothing really helped. I took anti-spasmodic medication, avoided certain foods, and just learnt to live with it – making sure I was never far from the loo. I also avoided going out or wearing tight clothes.

Then, about four years ago, I read about Bimuno, a prebiotic food supplement which apparently feeds the good bacteria in your gut and kills the bad. I was sceptical but as it didn’t cost too much I thought it was worth a try.

such a difference

I started sprinkling the sachet of powder into my coffee every morning, and the change was remarkable. Within four days, my stomach was much calmer.

I’ve been taking it ever since, and my symptoms have improved by a staggering 90%. I still get the occasional flare-up if I’m stressed, or if I’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with me, but day-to-day I’m so much better than I was.

Since I’ve been taking it, I’ve become much more confident. I’ve had a promotion at work, started a long-term relationsh­ip and I can go out and about now without obsessing about being near a loo all the time.

✿ Bimuno (£11.99, 30 sachets) is available from holland & Barrett and leading pharmacies.

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 ??  ?? Lucy Norrish, 43, from Cardiff
Lucy Norrish, 43, from Cardiff
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