Woman's Weekly (UK)

Q Can i get antibiotic­s from my Gp for a recurrent dental infection?


A Recent figures show that around 380,000 GP consultati­ons a year involve dental problems, putting extra pressure on GP appointmen­ts.

But it’s not in your best interests to see a doctor, as they aren’t trained to deal with dental problems (apart from prescribin­g painkiller­s), and partial or temporary treatment with antibiotic­s could even put your teeth at risk.

Doctors and dentists must cross-refer to each other where appropriat­e (dentists are trained to recognise oral health problems, including dry mouth syndrome, nutritiona­l deficienci­es and cancer). But while it may appear that ‘pain equals infection equals antibiotic­s’, it’s essential to find out whether it really is an infection, whether it may have spread into the bone, and what additional dental treatment may be needed to prevent serious damage or recurrence.

If you have difficulty finding a dentist or getting urgent treatment, ring NHS 111 for advice on local services.

 ??  ?? Antibiotic­smay not help
Antibiotic­smay not help

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