Woman's Weekly (UK)

We want to contest the will


QMy mother left her house to my brother to live in while he’s alive. My sister and I moved out years ago and have our own homes that we paid for, and have always looked after ourselves. My single brother, who’s in his late 40s, has always lived at home. I know the eventual sale price will be divided between our children but who knows when that will be? We’re wondering about contesting this as it seems very unfair that he gets the house and to live mortgage-free. Tessa, London

AIt’s up to each individual to decide who they want to leave their possession­s to, and your mother made the decision to let your brother continue to live in the house, which is his home. If you thought she

wasn’t of sound mind or was bullied into doing this, you may have a reason to contest it. If not, I understand you may not like it, but it was her choice. As you say, your children or grandchild­ren will inherit it in time so it will come back to you. It may have been for that reason she chose to do it this way.

✣ Keren welcomes your letters, emails and texts, but she cannot reply to individual cases and will select correspond­ence at random for publicatio­n.

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