Woman's Weekly (UK)



I was delighted to read the article on bell-ringing in a recent issue of Woman’s Weekly [21 December]. I am a third generation bell-ringer, alongside my brother. My maternal grandfathe­r was a bell-ringer, as was my uncle. I attempted to learn in my late teens and was unsuccessf­ul, but it was always an ambition and I finally learnt to ring in the early noughties. It’s an activity where age is not a barrier.

I love bell-ringing as it helps to keep a traditiona­l art going, I get to meet people I would not normally meet, and just climbing the stairs to the belfry helps to keep me fit, not to mention the mental workout at following a method or call changes and the coordinati­on required to ring. The first rounds we ring as a bride leaves the church on her wedding day sound wonderful and full of joy, in contrast with the mournful, muffled bells on Remembranc­e Sunday. Rachel Ryan, Hindon

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