Woman's Weekly (UK)

5 ways to make the most of ESSENTIAL OILS


Kim Brookes is an essential oil expert and founder of natural scent jewellery brand Perfino

Essential oils have been extracted from various plant materials for their antibacter­ial and fragrant properties for thousands of years. Here are a few of the ways that we can use them in our

21st century lives:


In the context of facials, massage, reflexolog­y and so much more, purported benefits of essential oils include increasing focus, relaxing muscles and easing headaches.


Essential oils diluted with a carrier oil can be applied to the skin as massage oils, cleansers, exfoliator­s and rubs. However, be cautious: pure essential oils can be incredibly strong and may cause harm if put directly onto the skin. To enjoy the fragrance without putting anything on your skin, a single drop of oil on a porous lava stone inside Perfino natural scent jewellery gives you aromatic pleasure all day long with none of the possible pitfalls.


Yes, really! Use of less expensive oils, particular­ly the citrus oils, can be effective. A small drop of lemon oil in the dishwasher makes for a clean machine and wonderful smell. It works in the loo too.

Eco-friendly fabric refreshmen­t

Just add a tiny drop of lavender or your favourite essential oil to your wash. This is far more natural and minimal in terms of packaging than some other popular products.

Bug repellant

Certain insects, particular­ly spiders, really don’t like peppermint. For a bit more control over who, or what, comes into your home, put it around your windowsill­s.

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