Woman's Weekly (UK)

Take a moment to meditate


‘If you train the mind to go to a calm, positive place, it triggers the brain to send signals into the body to release happy hormones, which stabilise your mood and give feelings of wellbeing,’ says holistic health expert Rophin Vianney. ‘These endorphins help us deal with stress and aid pain relief.’

Try this simple meditation:

✣ Do a full-body scan from the top of your head, down the back of your body and up the front of your body, noticing areas of tension.

✣ Draw a slow, deep inhale from the belly to the top of your lungs. Exhale, allowing every muscle in your body to relax.

✣ Think of the word ‘calm’ floating in front of you. With each inhalation of breath, visualise the word ‘calm’ being drawn into your body.

✣ Exhale, letting this calm float through you. Repeat for eight slow breaths.

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